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Please go through this information so you are ready for class!
Complete by the first day of class
Sign up here for access to the student area.
Once approved, you will have all the classroom materials, links, course calendars, the Driver Guide and other important information for the course. Snoop around and get comfortable.
Parent and Student open, sign, submit.
Complete before 1st BTW lesson for student records.
We will go through this at the orientation, bring your questions!
Instruction Permits
WE NEED THIS BEFORE YOU CAN GET YOUR PERMIT, Submit your DLN to us so we can put a waiver into the DOL portal for you.
How do I get my DLN? Do you already have a state ID? If not, you must join License Express on the DOL website. This link will take you right there.
What is the DLN?
DNL= Driver license number. It will start with WDL then numbers and letter.
If you already have a state ID you have it. If not, you must get it by joining License Express.
Not sure the process... driver education, permit, state is the entire process for getting a license. It helps!
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